Friday, July 01, 2005

Books: My Sister's Keeper

I finished this book last night. Wow! It was really good, very thought provoking. The subject kept me thinking long after I had put it down to attend to other things. The ending had me in shock and tears. The book was so interesting because each chapter changed point of view. I felt like I was on an emotional rollar coaster. I have never read one of her books before and may have to pick up some of the others. I would be completing understanding Anna's feelings and thoughts and then I would read Sara's (her monther) and identify completely with her and her reasons for doing what she did. She wasn't a perfect mother. But she wanted to do everything she could for her daughter. Who wouldn't? It's such a hard subject. Was what she did right? She had said that her family was complete with just 2 children. Then when Kate was diagnosed with Leukemia, Anna was "created" as a genetic match for Kate. It was only supposed to be the umbilical cord that they needed. But because of Kate's rare cancer and complications/relapses, Anna endured countless medical procedures to keep her sister alive. How could they do that to a little girl? But then again, if the possiblity is there how could they not? Oh, the heartache I feel for Sara, for Anna, for Kate and for the men in the family.

A few things noted as I read:

there are widows and orphans but no name for a parent who has lost a child.

when kate sees a picture of herself as a small baby, she says, "She was beautiful" and her mom continues to say that she stroked the picture of the cheek of the little girl none of them got to know.

Each character in the book has their own font. I thought that the prologue at the beginning of the book was said by Anna but I realize now that it is Kate speaking. I don't understand why she would wan to kill her sister. I don't know why she would say that she killed herself.

This book was amazing. Did you like it? What were your thoughts on the ending?


Blogger B said...

I haven't read it - but I now have added it to my summer book list. Thanks for the info!!!

6:27 PM  

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