Where have I been???
I haven't blogged in a month. WOW! So much for getting my thoughts on (virtual) paper, huh? Well, today school started for the boys so hopefully I'll have some more time to devote to journaling.
I have been scrapping though... A LOT!!
Here is my newest ones:

I added the others to my flicker badge.
Let's see what else?
We have been spending lots of time at the water park this summer. The boys went to a couple of White Sox games and a Cougars game. Vin spent a lot of time with Brady and had his first sleepover. Ally and Chloe have been playing together quite a bit also. We also saw a few movies during the kids rule series at the theater. $2.50 for a movie, popcorn and a small (very, very small) drink. Hey you can't beat that! THis summer we saw Madagascar (pretty good), Herbie (bearable), Spongebob: The Movie (pathetic), Robots (very good), and The Polar Express (good). We also went to see Sky High (loved it!) and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (loved it) as a family. Mike and I had a date night and saw Wedding Crashers this weekend. Oh my! We laughed so hard. It was some pretty crude humor though...not for the prude!!! We went to Six Flags a few weeks back. The kids had a great time. Ally rode her first coaster - The Whizzer. Here's a couple pics:

I'm having blogger picture issues. I'll add more later.
The boys started school today as you can see from my previous posts today. Ally starts next Monday. My classes have started as well. We're all back to school.
Need to get to the bus stop...