Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Books I've read this year...

The Dive From Clausen's Pier
Pretty good - the main character got a bit frustrating at times but I'm glad I read it.

The Mommy Club
Ok book. I really had to push myself through it. The main character's obsession with a former boyfriend drove me crazy. Fun look at pregnancy.

Tales from the Crib
Fun and entertaining. Interesting situation. great ending.

The Nanny Diaries
At times really a bit much but entertaining. Not sure it's as great as everyone said a few years back but I found it at a Borders Outlet for $3.99. For that price it was definately worth my time.

I really liked this book. It was interesting, fun, and sometimes frustrating.

The Ivy Chronicles
I liked this book. It was entertaining and the main character really learned a lot about herself, others and what she was willing to give up to have the life she really wanted.

I'm going to have to work on the links later.


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