Thursday, June 16, 2005

journaling class: lesson 1

My assignment:
Identify three people you know who journal now or who used to journal in the past. Ask each journaler these questions:

What led you to begin journaling?

How often did you journal?

What tools or techniques helped you to journal?

What benefits did you receive from journaling?
Take notes on their responses.

Based on your interviews and the list of journaling benefits cited in Lesson 1, select the three benefits that most resonate with your current needs and life circumstances. Then, for each benefit you select, set a goal that you would like journaling to help you achieve. Create goals that are S.M.A.R.T. by making them Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-centered.

HHHMmm...need to find 3 people who journal.

IF you're reading this and you'd like to help, please post your response to these questions in the comments section.

Off to see who I can interview...


Blogger B said...

Hope you don't mind - I found your blog from a friends blog and felt invited to answer.....

Ask each journaler these questions:
What led you to begin journaling?
I am not a very verbal person. It takes a long time for me to
build a trusting relationship with a friend - in order to share, vent or discuss personal issues. The journal is trustworthy, a non-verbal way to express myself and a kinda catharsis (if you will) to my everyday thoughts. I can vent, express, create, and pour out my soul in my journal. I am not worrying about someone critiquing my grammer or spelling.

How often did you journal? I try to journal daily - even if it is 5 minutes here, 5 minutes there and anywhere between.

What tools or techniques helped you to journal?
I carry a journal with me to facilitate this. I also (duh) have a blog so that I can with my laptop or desktop.

I use an online journal prompt for key words to journal randomly about. I take random pictures of my girls, objects, whatever... paste it in my journal and start journaling whatever comes to mine.

What benefits did you receive from journaling?
Venting..... creative ideas.... enhancement of my writing skills..... Most of all - I know I am leaving a bit of me - my inner self - to my girls. After I am gone I can imagine them looking through my journals and actually get a glimpse of their mom through the eyes of thier adulthood. Perhaps the same issues, heartaches, problems and thoughts they will experience and will be able to learn from my journals.

3:18 AM  
Blogger JoAnn Braheny said...

Thanks for the info about journaling. I've been writing in journals for more years than I care to admit (since I was a teenager, long ago...). Highly reccommended. Keep up the blogging -- My blog is Goosing Your Muse, about creativity, You'll note we chose the same format.
Cool! JoAnn Braheny (bra-hay-nee)

6:16 PM  

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